Apr 11, 2014

Roti Canai for Breakfast

adam having roti canai
Today, everybody feels like having roti canai for breakfast, so early in the morning I went to this roti canai stall in Jalan Tun Razak, Alor Setar, to get 8 pieces of roti canai. One for Adam, one for Sulaiman, TWO for Yusuf, one for Tasnim, one for Aishah, one for ummi and one for me... so all 8 together. Yusuf is the one who always eats EXTRA!!!

roti canai for breakfast

So far this roti canai is the best roti canai I ever had, actually there was another stall but they had moved to Jitra, which is quite far a way to travel for the roti canai. I used to wait in a queue for more than an hour just to get the 8 pieces of roti canai... This morning, I reached the stall quite early, around 7.15 am, so it took me only about 15 minutes, just nice to take it home for Tasnim and yusuf to have their breakfast before they had to go for the tuition.

Tasnim having her roti canai before going for tuition

And as usual, ehehehe... I had roti canai with a little sugar added to the 'kuah dal'.. Not much, just half a tea spoon... Sometimes, I also have roti canai with a little sweetened or condensed milk in stead of sugar... :D

add a little bit sugar to the roti canai

Only one piece is enough... I rarely finish if i take 2 piece and will always have to give to yusuf to finish it up... :D

So, after breakfast, sent Yusuf for his English Language tuition and tasnim for her science tuition... Honestly, I really can't teach my own children... They tend to play around and it's just a waste of time. Or, anybody would end up crying in the middle of the tuition. Not that I beat them up or something, but more like they are scared of my loud voice when I am teaching. Same goes when I tried to teach them reading Quran... ehehehe...

So we have to send them to other teachers... :)

Cikgu Azizah tuition center, Alor Setar

Tuition Cikgu Azizah at Taman Nuri, has been the best tuition for maths so far and she just recently open for English language as well... The fee? one thing for sure, it's a little bit higher than other tuition centers in Alor Setar... but Cikgu Azizah is the best (in our opinion)... :D



  1. which one aishah?? hehe ur..daughter?

    1. Hahaa... yes.. Aishah Humaira' 14 , very quite and shy person... rarely wanted herself being photographed... so haven't appeared in this blog yet :D

  2. 1. Anakanada Yusuf same like auntie must take 2 then only full hihi...
    2. If the tuition fees little bit higher but gives better improvement to the students to me its ok..

    1. hahaha... tapi sebab ada planta ke marjerin apa ker..rasa dia lemak ... tak tahu macamana dia buat tapi to me, sebiji tu dah terasa... kalau mamak punya harus 3 baru kenyang... hahahaha...

      and the tuition... kena give credits kat cikgu tu... she's really one of the best teachers ever met lah... in terms of innovative and capability to arouse the students interests... rasanya patutlah kalau dia caj tinggi... besides, dia tak ambik ramai satu kelas... dengar cerita, kalau tak hadir kelas 2 - 3 kali dia akan berhentikan budak tu dari tuition dia... ada jugak dengar mak bapak komplen... :D For me macam tu la bagus kan... awak serius nak belajar, saya serius nak ajar... anak saya yang dah form two.. dari math tak pernah lulus... (sebab dia bebal kat subjek maths)... boleh dapat B lepas belajar dengan dia ni... jadi minat kat maths... :)

  3. kalau roti canai iolss suka makan dengan kuah dal campur sambal... tuition fees tu kannn.... kalau worth it, continue jer brother...

    1. kadang-kadang campur sambal bilis tu pun best jugak :D...

      actually tuition tu dari abang dia hak sulung, kakak dia dua orang, dan sekarang dia... semua tuition dengan cikgu tu... dan alhamdulillah, dorang ok... nak ajar maths ni kena pandai jugak kut beri explaination sebab kalau i jar dorang susah faham... bila cikgu tu ajar dorang kata faham... bila i tanya camana cikgu tu buat,, dorang tunjuk... I kata sama jer lah dengan i ajar hahahahaahahahaha... cara jer sama tapi kaedah ajar tu yg lain kut hahahahahahahaha...

  4. same goes to me...i can't teach my kids...for sure they'll cry ...hehehe...so better send them to tuition class...

    roti canai...malaysian favourite..

    1. yessssssssssss roti canai malaysian's favourite!!! hebat penangan roti canai ni... malas nak uli tepung dia jer..kalau tak buat sendiri dah... hahahahhaa...

      hahahah... tok tok guru zaman dulu pon macam tu jugak, ilmu dia tinggi tapi anak soh berguru dengan orang lain jugak kan? hahahahhahaha... macam tu lah kita kan?

    2. wahhh wafa leh buat sendiri ke roti canai tu?? hebattt..serba boleh...hehe

      aah...naik darah tinggi dibuatnya...satu taman leh dengar suara...hehehe...

    3. erkkk ...hahahahhaha... kalau tak pasal malas nak uli tepung tu... !!!! hahahaha

  5. kita suka roti telur than roti canai...tapi dua-dua sedapkannn...

  6. Nurul tak berapa ngan roti canai ni.. tp nampak pic tu begitu mengujakan.. :D

    1. ada roti roti tertentu tu boleh kena ngan selera... macam yang ni memang kena... sebiji pon dah kekenyangan... :D

  7. kalau mia.... 2 keping ok... kalau 1 keping tak cukup... hehehehe...

    1. mia... tengok content roti dengan saiz dia... kalau saiz kecik dan kering tak padat dan tak lemak... kena dua atau tiga baru terasa... tapi yang ni sebiji pon terasa dah... :D

  8. i'm like yusuf.. minimum 2 piece.. :)

  9. Bila sebut roti canai teringat kat Zarif...dia suka sangat makan roti canai... kadang tu , time dia betul2 lapar sampai sekeping setengah pun dia bolih habis kan...

    Sampai petang dia kenyang...

  10. saya x suka mkn rti cnai dngn kari. Sll nya buat roti cnai cmpr dngn bawng, tlr, aym, tmto smua. Makan 1je knyng smpai ke petng

  11. Wow, nice roti canai! My daughter loves to eat roti canai with curry too!


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