Mar 3, 2014

Photography Session Around The House

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Since I was not able to go online last Friday, and while my wife was preparing special lunch for the family, I took the opportunity to grab my DSLR and took some photos of the plants and trees around the house. Actually I was trying to look for a few good snaps which might fulfill some requirements for my Photo Collections...

I am not going to reveal the names of the plants and trees... so that you could test your knowledge about the plants and trees ehehehe... :D

No. 1: 
Yes, everybody knows that this is Banana Tree... but what type of banana is this?
A: 'Pisang Kapas'
B: 'Pisang Nangka'
C: 'Pisang Tanduk'

Banana Tree - wafacw photo
Banana Tree - wafacw photo
Okies... a close up for you to be able to identify it :D

No. 2:
Again, everybody knows that these are 'lemon-grass'... but can you identify which one is used for cooking? Aaa,.. yes... the other type of lemon-grass here is not for cooking... :D  What is the name of the lemon grass that is not used for cooking?
'Serai ....................... ?'

lemon grass - wafacw photo

No. 3:
If you are smart... what is the name of this plant?
Sorry... no MCQ... (Multiple Choice Question)..

wafacw photo
 If your answer starts with the letter 'K'... Your answer is WRONG :D
The name of this plants starts with the letter 'T' in Malay... ehehehehe...

No. 4:
Ok.. everybody knows that this is 'Pandan'... so it's a Pandan... ehehehe...

pandan - wafacw photo
Well, can you guess what tree next to the Pandan?

No. 5:
This one is the Topioca that I took the shoots and boiled it in the last entry (see HERE)

topioca - wafacw photo

No. 6:
OK... what is this plat?
If it happens that you don't know what plan is this... I don't know what to say... :D

wafacw photo

No. 7:
The last one... Now, this plant: even me myself don't know what is the name of this plant...
It's some sort of ULAM... According to my mom, this plant is very very rare...
If you know what plant is this.. do let me know in the comment box below...

wafacw photo


  1. ok wafa, let me try...wakakaka... I'm do not really have a good knowledge in gardening and plants eventhough my mum and dad love to plants... by the...

    No.1: The pisang seriously i do not know what kind of pisang it is...
    No.2: Serai wangi???
    No.3: Yup I knew its wrong but I was about to guess Kunyit/Kunyit
    No.4: Is it Kedondong or Guava???
    No.5: Pucuk ubi which I might be confusely think it's pokok cause i do not either eat pucuk ubi or pucuk
    No.6: I think you will say, I don't know what to
    No.7: Is it ulam raja???

    See I told ya' not good at identifying all sorts of I know some and I do not know a lot, that's reveal that i'm not a planter or gardener... and always know nature by 'nature' as long as it greens ...thats fine with

    1. Hahahahahaha... you got 2 corrects... hahahahahahaha.... good try!!! waaaa dah macam segmen la pulak... hahahaahahahaha... can't stop laughing hahahaha

  2. Amboi...happy nampak Che Wafa hari ni....

    1. ...and by the way, no 7 is pokok SAMBUNG NYAWA. Good to eat untuk menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, kencing manis, migrain dan especially untuk awet muda.Ambik 2-3 helai, kunyah2 mcm makan sireh...very delicious.Buat sup pun boleh jugak.

    2. Hahaahha.. anda tak layak teka sebab awak ada kaitan dengan syarikat yang anjurkan pertandingan ni whoahahaahahaaha..

  3. 1.pisang kapas
    2. serai wangi
    3. lengkuas?
    5. ubi kayu
    7. selom?

    hahah.. hentam je.. heheh.. yg lain x tahu..

    1. that is pisang nangka..
      serai wangi..yup
      it's definitely not lengkuas
      No.5 yes... ubi kayu
      No. 7... it's not selom... :D

    2. 2 out of 7... fail..!! hahaha

    3. hahahahaha... tapi kenal kata serai wangi tu kira OK la tu hahahahah

  4. Well I guess these are the answers:

    1. Pisang Nagka kot...
    2. Serai wangi..
    3. T...bukan lengkuas ya..he.he.
    4. Rasanya pernah tengok tapi tak tau nama..camne tu..
    5. Pucuk Ubi kayu
    6. Pokok bunga kot..nama tak tau..
    7. Kind of ulam..

    Memang fail lah general knowledge ..he..he

    1. Yeah.. Pisang Nangka is correct :D Serai wangi ...yup... yang rumpun besar tu serai wangi (org anak ramai, siap ada serai wangi tanam sendiri)...:D
      Pucuk ubi kayu yup..topioca :D
      No. 6... pokok bunga? hahahaahahahaha.... tau makan jer ek? hahahaha

  5. Replies
    1. Hahahaha... saja suka-suka test knowledge kawan-kawan tentang pokok-pokok ni... InshaAllah, next time, cuba buat segmen GA.. :D

  6. saya hanya tahu jawapan yg T' tu Temulawa ke?? juga serai wangi. tu je yg lain langsung x tahu. mmng saya ni x minat tanam pokok so mmng x ambil tahu.

    1. wow... you got both names right :D and you are the only one can identify plant No.3 right ...

  7. 1. So far bunda cuma kenal pokok pisang , dah tentu...tapi tak banyak nama buah pisangnya yg bunda kenal...
    2. Searai wangi..
    3.Temu lawak..
    4. Pokok mengkudu...
    5. Pokok ubi kayu...
    6. Pokok cili (atau spesis ngn cili)
    7. Pokok ulam bebuas...

    1. :D No.4 is actually a rambutan tree, and No.7 is "Sambung nyawa"... got No.6 correct... hahahaha

  8. Honestly, I'm not sure on the answers for all. Really tough questions.

    1. Hahahaha... great!.. Don't really know that it's tough... :D
      I really enjoy myself reading the answers... hahahahha

  9. Dah try jawab2 tadi dalam hati.. yang last no.7 tu tak tau ape.... nak gi tengok jawaban kt 'cont' tu.. ehehe

    1. Harap bermanfaat lah info yang akan you dapat :D
