Mar 23, 2014

Kambateh? or Gambatte?

Good Day everybody... Urgghh... can't help myself, couldn't get out of bed earlier even though my mind kept telling me about the blog hahahaha...  For two days I went to bed around 4am and woke up at 6am. Last night I'd been in bed around 9pm... This morning woke up for Subuh prayer and continue to sleep again straight away after Subuh until 10am!!! Had a breakfast with my sons and had a quick stroll to a few blogs in the neighbourhood hahahaha...

Dropped by at Mia's place as usual... (a compulsory ehehe..) and gave a few comments. Note, A FEW.. not one comment. It has been a habit to me and a pleasure to read a few posts from a blog I visited. If I had read the recent one, I'd look into the archive for any interesting title of the old posts... Normally, 90% i'd leave a comment :D.

One more thing, I also would look for any replies to my previous comments that I left on the posts. I LOVE to read replies to my comments... I love to see the blog owners' responds to my comments (hear the views)...  I have a great pleasure of doing that... So normally if I left a comment on your post, i would return to the post to see if you had left a reply or not :D. Some of you replied and some didn't. Well, either way... it's OK... :D

FYI... I also read comments from others... that's why sometimes, you will see me reply to someone's comment on your post. I don't know if it's OK for you or not... but I assume that it's Ok.. unless, you write to me personally and tell me that you don't want me to reply others' comment on your post. I am an open minded person and you can always criticize me or give your opinions... :D

So, just now, I went back to the comment I had left at Mia's place and as usual i read all the replied from Mia to the comments left by others.

There, I found an interesting comment from Smartan Dad on Mia's post which really attracted my attention.

SD's comment on Mia's (click HERE to see)

Notice the word Kambateh in Smartan Dad's comment?

Hahahaha... do you know what is Kambateh?

If  i understand the way SD meant to write... it would mean "GOOD LUCK". hahaha

However, I'm really not sure... because, if it's the japanese word, it should be Gam-Ba-Tsu-Te according to the spelling, but sounds 'Gambatte'... silent 'tsu'.

Like this :

So... Gambatte every body!!! :D


Oh by the way... here's some photos of our special lunch yesterday : Kari Kepala Ikan NyokNyok :D

And a special menu just for ME..... Bunga Kantan cecah Budu :D

Thank you MBTW for all the delicious menu ... ehehe



  1. Ya sebutannya ialah "Ganbatte" yang bermaksud "do your best". Tentang ejaan hiragana tu, sebenarnya ia menggunakan kana "tsu" yang lebih kecil dari tsu biasa. Kana "tsu" kecil peranannya macam sabdu / double consonant (untuk huruf "te").
    BTW jawapan untuk Ganbatte (do your best) ialah Ganbarimasu (I'll do my best).

    1. oh.. thanks for the additional info :D... dah lama tinggal... belajar masa form 2 eheheh... tapi tulis masih boleh hahaha... hiragana jauh lebih senang dari katakana... eja nama sendiri jer boleh ngan katakana...hahahaha... well.. Ganbarimasu :D arigato gozaimasu :D

  2. Perkongsian yang bagus ni bang :)

    Taufiq singgah sini :) :) Support each other =)

    1. Taufiq... great to see you here! ohh haven't check how you are doing with your results...

  3. owh betul saya suka juga baca blog yg suka balas komen-komen ni..
    nampak respond diberi :P

    1. haaa :D so bukan saya sorang buat camtu.. good to know that... maklumlah saya tak biasa lagi dalam dunia blogging.. buat ikut suka kita jer... pernah juga tanya beberapa orang bloggers but didnt get responds... so i assumed it's ok... :D
      btw thanks for dropping by :D nice to see u :D

  4. gambatte???? macam familiar je. saya pn mcm wafa juga every drop-by kat blog will leave a comment.

    1. Hahahaha... biasa dengar kan... tapi for those yang minat cerita jepun especially anime memang biasa dengar...SD and I minat Naruto... :D

      And..yes I noticed that... :D tqvm tifa... :)

  5. Wow a very systematic follow up Wafa..wish I could do all. unfortunate I won't have that pleasure..he..he

    1. systematic? hahahah... actually i don't really even have a system yet... main belasah ikut suka sebenarnya... cuma satu jer saya harap... I'm not irritating others unintentionally... sebab belasah ikut suka hahahaha... especially on your blog! hahahaha.... :D

  6. selalu dengar gambatte je..bukan kambateh..hehhehee...takpun disebut cayok..cayok..hehee..

    1. Haah... caiyok!!! tu memang selalu dengar... budak-budak zaman sekarang kat sekolah tu selalu dok cakap sma dorang hahahaha... :D

  7. gambatte wafa :)

    ikan nyoknyok?? never heard b4 :)...i looks so delicious ...yummy :)

    1. same to me... sampai kat Kedah ni baru kenal ikan nyoknyok... so far it's very delicious and cheap... but some of my friends yang hantu kari kepala ikan said that ikan jenahak is better... :D

  8. Wow, ur Japanese very good! Thanks for correcting! Learned a new thing!
