Mar 24, 2014

Having A Stroll At Jubli Perak Park Alor Setar

It has been quite a long time since the last time I took Adam and Sulaiman to Jubli Perak Park playground. Actually Sulaiman was asking me to bring them to the park since last Thursday when we drove near the park to send Tasnim for her tuition class at Taman Golf. So to keep my promise, right after lunch we went to the park...

Jubli Perak Park, Alor Setar is a recreation park situated just right the Kedah administration office building, Wisma Darul Aman. And children would love to come to this park since they can play at the playground.

Actually people also jog here, and there is a track for people to walk around the park.

This is the track for people to walk around the park.

And I took the advantage to practice using my D5100 :D

Tasnim... as usual... allergic to camera :D

The park covers quite a large area - Tasnim and Sulaiman had a rest first.

posing under an Angsana tree..

Pterocarpus indicus or Angsana...

All ready for foot massage... it's about 100m long path...

Now check if any part of your body is not healthy... ehehe

Now this is the BEST part of all... "Nak ayaq.. abah..."
And then... "nak buah... abah..." hmmm...

And... it's not yet 8.30pm...  "what a day..."



  1. seronok diorang dapat main ye..=)

    1. tu la... tp bagus jugak... dapat abah dia berlatih ambil gambar hahaaha... jadi model cilik untuk blog wafacw eheheehe :D

  2. wow looks like a great place for sunday family outing

    1. hi... SK, nice to have you here... thanks for dropping by :D
      and yup.. it is... and it's about a km away from where I reside :D...

  3. seronoknya depa main..boleh hilang stres bila tengok keletah anak-anak ni..

    1. haah.. hahaha... seronok seronok... :D. Dekat SP pon ada Taman Jubli Perak kan?

    2. ada..setiap petang jogging di situ..malam pun best gak lepak kat situ..

  4. Haha, your kids really enjoyed themselves!

    1. yeah... these two main sampai hilang ingatan hahahahaa... running here and there... :D.Besides..lama sangat terkurung kat area rumah saja hahaha...

    2. it's good to relax since now are school holidays!

  5. great pics especially the Angsana Tree..biasanya kids mmg enjoy pergi playground...

    1. hahah.. tq nOe... try to apply what i learn from photgraphy magazines... :D
      and yes, they are especially kalau lama-lama sekali pi... :D

  6. Hihi... after enjoyed what else? tired and sleep is the medicine:)

    During kakak's childhood all these playground can't see at all. What we play is hide-and-seek, climbing trees - plug guava etc hihi... but those days no kidnap case everyone easily goes around whole kampung..

    1. hahaha... awal-awal lagi dah dozed off sambil tengok tv tu..tau tau lelap dah on his mother's lap.

      Our gen masa kecik main panjat pokok... sama kita - panjat pokok jambu... kenyang makan buah jambu jer tengahari hahahaha... free to go anywhere... I used to wander around like 1 to 2 km radius from home hahahaha in bendang, kebun getah and belukar hahahaha... unlike nowadays... :(
