Mar 22, 2014

The Two Photos Test

Two days ago, I wrote about a 'mood swing' situation I was facing on that particular day (see here) with two photos attached to the post, in which also didn't relate to the topic at all. I must say that, that was the moment when I felt extremely helpless and really exhausted... ever in my life. Probably some of you might have also noticed how I became hay-wired for a while by just looking at my entries updated a day before and on the date itself. Well, however, I am feeling well now and thanks a million to those who were giving great comments and advices... And I'd like to say, that you are, to me, a great blogger already!

Ok... I'm not going to elaborate on that too much because, my intention here is to show what I had intended you to see in those two photos, but I kept it a little bit out of focus...

Let us see the photos again here:

Photo 1:

Photo 2:

Well, actually what you should have seen in the two photos are my blog's URL in photo 1 and the me myself in the photo no. 2. .. :D

Now, can you see them already?

K.. Great!! :p

Note: If still can't see it more than 60 secs... just IGNORE this :D hahahhaa... Thanks for dropping bye..


  1. foto no 2 tu dah nampak dah ada foto sape ntah, macam ku kenalll jer, tapi dimana yer... ...yang no 1 tu tak jumpa poonn.. pening lah..

    1. hahahha... don't get too stressed on this... but hmm.. memang tujuan nak bagi pening sikit..pening-pening lalat jer... hahha... oh bunda.. :D

  2. he he he, itu rupanya... well, why suddenly i'm choking reading this entry yeah? muahahaha... happy saturday morning brother.... *_^ ... Alhamdulillah, thank you...

    1. woooo... hope tak ada yang terpaksa masuk hospital because of this photos or entry... takutttt... ada yang kena saman pulak kan... hahha :D

  3. wow!!!!! That's not you right? :P Hahahaha. wah wah wahhhh piwitttt
    Congrats uncle your face is like everywhere now :p hahhaha

    1. Nope.. that's not meee.. :D hahahah...
      and u sounds so happy... especially lepas dapat treat cuci-cuci muka ekkk?

  4. Replies
    1. ada rasa pening-pening sikit dak sebelum nampak? haaa kalau pening sikit ...mission accomplished hahahaha

  5. You never mention, then I really never notice that. Haha!

    1. if i mentioned, you'd notice straight away and you'd miss the pleasure of pening-pening lalat or the rush of adrenalin hahahaha :D

    2. You‘re right. I dun have sharp observation :">

  6. hahaha.... camanalah blh x perasan...

    1. hahahaha... sebab kecik jer letaknya... besides... tak ada klu kan?

  7. hahaha...nampak sgt we only focus on main object...without seeing in u become a much u get? hehehe

    1. photography memang macam tu... so kalau nak ambil gambar kena pastikan object tu kena focused and outstanding baru orang tertumpu kepada object yang kita nak shoot... :D
      ni model FREE of charge and syiok sendiri hahahahahaahaha.. adoi... dah tak laku dah orang nak bayar hahahahaahha... lain la uncle gedek kan hahahahaha
