Mar 31, 2014

Teeth Brushing Demo With Colgate Toothpaste by Adam

Today is the 2nd day Adam refused to go to school after having a one week school break last week. Couldn't ask him to take his morning bath as usual as he kept running away and hiding himself under the sofa. He really gave me a hard time this morning and his mom kept calling asking if he went to school or not. However, finally I managed to talk him out of it. Yeah... We made a deal, I'd take his photograph and upload them in daddy's blog of him brushing his teeth while having a bath, and he would go to school! Eheheh... (baru umur 3 lebih-lebih sikit dah akal macam apa dah..)

So, this is what i had promised him as a return for him to go to school... urghh...! A series of photo of him doing a demonstration on how to perform the teeth brushing. And we use the Colgate toothpaste eheheh.. (amazing... he can handle the mint taste of the Colgate... :p)

How To Brush Your Teeth with Colgate by Ahmad Adam Wafa

And this is dedicated to all 3 years old kids out there :D

First of all, apply a little bit of Colgate toothpaste onto the toothbrush :D

urghhhh 1st attempt... and 2nd attempt... ehehe

3rd attempt... hmmm "abah buat abah..."...eheheh...
Next : Brush your teeth

First the front teeth

Then back of the teeth

the other side...

again in the front??? Urghhhh!!! Done!

finnaly : Wash your mouth...

nah... opsss... (ada lubang...)
OKies!!! Now time to go to school...

Astalavista Babe... :p
p/s : Ash... you can learn how to brush your teeth here ok?.. :p


  1. lol, mummy Ash is reading it and will show Ash how abang Adam doing it and showing it to him... (gigi baru nak tumbuhlah uncle Wafa...ha ha ha)

    1. hahaha... wait till Ash got s few teeth ok? :D hahaahaha

  2. Being a parent must have at least little bit of knowledge how to console them. Not bad today you manage to do it. Adam smart boy, he know daddy have blog so he believe today his photo must be published on daddy's entry..

    1. I guess, having 5 of the earlier on did teach me something. However, this 6th one is also smarter since he also learns a lot from his brothers and sisters... hahahaha...
      There will always be a new challenge :D

  3. Comeynya Adam.. auntie suka sangat pic gigi berlubang tu :)

    1. tu la.. gosok gigi gosok jugak... sebelum tidur botol kat mulut jugak... dah tidur pon, kalau tarik ...meraba cari botol... mana tak berlubang gigi.. :D

  4. Cute boy...he knows he's the STAR today...

    1. he is... in fact everyday the STAR... whoahahaha...

  5. Replies
    1. ha'ah... beli yang kanak-kanak punya tak mahu... ada bau strawberry semua tu tak mau dia... nak yang abah dan ummi guna jugak hahahaha... kira ok dia boleh tahan dengan sejuk mint dia tu hahaha

  6. how old is he? He looks smart and cheeky.

    1. he was born on 11/01/2011... 3 years plus? yeah... 3-3 :D

  7. Replies
    1. like i told u last time... he is.. like his dad whoahahahaha...!!!! :D :D :D

  8. Good boy...muka sebijik abah...

    1. uikkss.. yer ker? patutlah mencabar betul nak handle dia ni... orang kata kalau anak laki ikut muka mak... atau anak perempuan ikut muka ayah... senang nak bela hahahaha.... bila dia nak berubah muka ikut mak dia niii... hahahahaha

  9. Wahh... comel sangattt! sengih jek sepanjang baca entry ni.. ehehee

    1. kalau macam tu berkesan teknik gambar ni... hahahaha.. :D

  10. hahaha...bersungguh2 adam gosok gigi....good boy...
