Apr 1, 2014

Good Boy Sulaiman At the Barber

Yesterday, after fetching Ahmad Yusuf and Ahmad Sulaiman from their schools, my wife decided to get the boys including Adam (all three of them plus their cousin) for a haircut, since it's time for them to get a hair cut, furthermore it's Monday. We can't get a haircut on Friday, which is the 'best' day to cut your hair or nails, since the barber is closed on Friday. So, we took all of them to the barber.

Normally they have to undergo the 'No.2' hair cut, but suddenly there was a request from Ahmad Yusuf to just have a trim, and seconded by Ahmad Sulaiman... hahaha. Both of them would agree to have the hair cut if they don't have to get the usual style. Well, this is not the first time they tried to have that kind of deal and they normally fail. Before you boys go to secondary school, your hair cut style is decided by Abah...ehehehe... However, they were lucky this time. My wife also agreed to let their hair trimmed a bit... and not to have the No. 2. 

"Sulaiman and Yusuf have been a good boy recently, so Ummi allow you to have the hair-style the way you want" Ummi just smiled at them and both of them grinned. 

"Okay... only this time, and it's because of Ummi" I told them... 

When I was at their age, I never had a say of how my hair-style. Well, probably because the barber was also my father himself hahahaha.... Actually I myself can cut their hair, but my wife never allow me to since we don't use the machine. Hahahaha.... 

And Sulaiman has been so good yesterday. He just sat on the chair silently, waiting for his turn while looking at some comics and magazines in 'Kedai Gunting Rambut RAINBOW', exactly at the Darul Aman Stadium, Alor Setar. 

And... unlike Sulaiman, Adam was ... oh my god... Luckily the barber was such a gentleman. Or ..may be because of the barber was gentle with him... :p

Ahmad Yusuf
We were lucky there was nobody else besides us at that time... so Yusuf went first... followed by his cousin Fateh...

He just can't stay still...

Since Adam doesn't have the right to say anything.. he gets the No. 2
Well, it should have cost RM20... but the barber insist of having RM18, a RM2 discount... Such a generous man...

During my time... it costs only RM2 per head... 30 years ago... hahaha


  1. saya dan anak2 permpuan potong rambut kat kawan yg buka salon...walaupun mahal,biasanya pergi 4 org,rm100 lbh...tp puas hati sbb lelaki no entri...rasa bebas dok dalam tu..yg penting..muslim..

    1. Tu salah satu untung anak perempuan... boleh potong rambut kat salon... tapi memang patut dan yang penting Muslim... sebab haram jugak hukum non-muslim nampak aurat kan... walaupon dia pompuan?

  2. wah semua pun pakat gunting rambut ni...he heh e, Ash baru nak tumbuh rambut so tak ada keperluan lagi untuk ke barber... *_^

  3. selagi anak sy tak minta hairstyle yg pelik2, sy bagi je dorg choose apa yg dorg nak...

    1. I guess, kalau ada hairstyle pelik-pelik yang dorang hendak buat sure dah pergi potong rambut sendiri like my eldest last time... balik rumah I sound dia... sekarang dah tak buat dah... so sekali dapat rasa hairstyle pelik cukup lah... sekadar untuk rasa... pengaruh red warriors hmmm...

  4. gambar last tu comel btl Adam botak cket camtu,hehehe =)

    1. hahaha... dia tu memang tak boleh rambut panjang.. dia suka berpeluh masa tidur malam... kalau rambut panjang nanti naik ruam kat kepala... dia kulit lain dari abang ngan kak dia... :D

  5. Dah lega dah...masing2 dah kene tebas...

    1. hahaha... selang 2 atau 3 minggu kena tebas... hahaha

  6. can get discount some more, very good!

    1. hahaha dia rajin layan uncle barber tu gunting... sembang-sembang... dapat diskaun hahahaha... cerita MH370 lagi whahahahaha

  7. Normally Nurul bagi je dorang pilih hairstyle sendiri, mesti ok punye sebabbb.. kan school.. kalau pilih sebarang.. nasib la kene denda ngan cikgu disiplin.. ahaha

    1. nasib? hahaha... tapi sekarang cikgu tak denda sebarang dah... tu yang nampak budak-budak sekolah rendah pon ada yang rambut jenis tutup sebelah muka tapi kiri kanan pendek hahahaha... yang bapak ni bekas askar... tak pernah rambut style style..bila tengok macam-macam style ni... agak susah nak terima trend hahaahaha

    2. Tapi kalau anak sekolah cina, takut aje nk style2 sangat Wafa... memang konfirm ade rambut kene tarah.. ahaha.. pastuh hantar kedai minta botak... ahahaha
