Feb 23, 2014

Get Fresh Fish Without Fishing

Get Fresh Fish Without Fishing

Even though we live exactly in Alor Setar town or city (Bandaraya Alor Setar), we are considered lucky because Alor Setar is actually about 30 minutes away from the seaside. So, we still can easily access the fresh fish or 'just arrived' from sea by boats... not by lorries. And normally we can get 'Temenung', 'Tenggiri' and even 'Bawal' which are just uploaded from the boats.

Where to get these fresh fish?

Most people in Alor Setar know this place, however there are still who don't know. It is the Pasar Nelayan, Kuala Kubang Rotan which is near Kuala Kedah. Normally boats will arrive around 9am or 10 am in the morning from the sea, and you can watch the fishes are uploaded onto the jetty. However, it depends on the seasons too. There are times, there's no boats coming in, which means there are no fish for that season. 



I would come here like once a week or every two weeks, buy about 2 or 3 kilograms and kept it in our freezer as a week or two weeks stocks. It's just that the size of the fishes is a little bit smaller than the one at the 'Pasar Borong' (the one that came by the lorries).



Yesterday, there were no fish. So we bought some chicken for this week stock. There were lots of crabs... but we didn't take it.





No fish.. but Yes 'Petai'.. My favourite :D



  1. So this is the fish market in Alor Setar?

    1. Smartan Dad, not quite... this is Pasar Nelayan where the fishermen loading their fishes... The actual or main Fish Market or Pasar Borong is situated in Jalan Gangsa, Alor Setar... in the middle of the town

    2. OK, got it, so this is Fishermen's Market :P

  2. Wknd, Nurul selalu calling sorang abg kt pasar Tmn U minta simpankn ikan, agak mahal dari yg lain tp dia jual ikan fresh je, so mmg berbaloi.. klu dtg kul 9am mmg jumpe sisik ikan je.. Haha

  3. petai and crab can be a yummy combination, aren't they ^_^

    1. hahahah... saya memang peminat setia petai... and in my family, i'm the only one makan petai... crabs ni. memang sedap buat masak lemak... and 2 orang my sons yang halus tu memang suka sangat tapi bapak dia lah jadi mangsa kena kopek kulit ketam tu... :D

  4. What a crab..my favorite tu...lucky you coz staying around the seaside..merasa yang fresh..kami-kami semua ni susahlah nak jumpa yang fresh macm ni...I love the seafood nway...real good!!!

    1. Indeed, yes... we are lucky to have a choice to get fresh seafoods... dapat supply proteins from fishes instead of chickens all the time plus Omega too :D. Ikan bakar ni memang biasa lah we all... plus dengan harga yang murah (ehsan the fishermen..:D)

  5. salam kenal

  6. sy beli buku tu time sale...semua buku rm 8 and rm 5 je...

    1. OMG... best nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... if spend RM100, can get 10 to 15 books!!!! Love Anthony Robbins... :D

  7. Best la kalau sumemye fresh. Kat kl ni mana nak dapat. Kena pi kuala selangor la kalau rajin. Tu pun kalau ada drebar. Tp so far x pernah pi lagi. Beli je ikan kat pasar biasa. Mahai nak mampus.

    1. Honestly Ibu lala, i have no choice... but to go and get fresh fishes..or seafood... luckily dekat ajer... last time masa beli kat pasar, ikan yang baru turun dari lori besar tu... even though dia orang dah ganti air, masuk air baru dalam tong dan siap siram lagi sebelum display untuk dijual... bau ubat tu masih kuat... dan ada harga pilihan, yg mahal, sederhana dan murah... kalau beli sikit boleh lagi ambil yang mahal, ikan tu masih 'agak' baru... tp kalau ramai nak makan tak boleh ambil sikit, sekurang-kurang 2 kilo...kalau ambil yang murah ..dia campur ikan baru dan ikan lama... tengok nasib... selalunya banyak ikan yang bila bersiang tu perut dia pecah dan kehitam-hitaman dah... picit pun dah koyak ikan tu... sedih ibu lala... nak bagi makan anak2 kecik...

  8. wow.. untungnya... makanan laut ni kegemaran zam

    1. Alhamdulillah... rezeki... Zam... :D
      Ada yang lebih tuhan bagi, ada yang kurang jugak... :)
