Feb 25, 2014

Be Careful With My Heart Fever

Be Careful With My Heart Fever

Recently, about a week or so, I noticed my wife was acting a little bit strange. Firstly, she came back home early than usual. Normally she would arrive home between 4pm to 5pm, but recently she was already at home around 2.30pm. Secondly, she would enter my room (where I am working) give me a quick hug from behind, and leave the room hurriedly without saying a word. And this happens everyday!!!

Curious about what was happening, I checked out what she was actually up to... and guess what?

It's all because of "Be Careful With My Heart"!!!...

Source: Uncle Goo

OMG!!! She is having the FEVER again... I should have known it earlier. I remember what happened way back in 2003. What was happening for the past few days was almost the same. Except for she had not called me by the name of the character like last time, not yet I guess... At home, I was known as Jun Sang... Even in front of my parents she would address me as Jun Sang!!! And my mother would gave me a blank face for that...

Yes, if any of you were also got affected by the Korean Drama Series "Winter Sonata" fever, I bet you were called Yoo Jin if you're a woman (if to the extend... and yup, she was Yoo Jin at that time... gosh... ). I can't remember exactly what year, when she asked me to buy her the full episode of Winter Sonata in a DVD form. And I found the DVD which cost around RM80 if I were mistaken and gave her as a present on our anniversary. Still remember how happy she was!...

So, back to the 'Be Careful With My Heart' fever, the TV series started at 3pm everyday and she would stick in front of the TV right before 3pm. And if she couldn't come home as there were a meeting held at school, or she had to stay back for co-curriculum activity, my 11 years old girl would record the program for her since we have Astro Beyond...  and she would sit and watch the recorded program right after getting everyone in bed... No wonder, I noticed that she hadn't gone to sleep yet once in a while even though it was quite late at night!

This morning, she texted me an SMS from her school and asked me if I received her message in my facebook. I was just arrived home from sending Adam to the nursery around 9am and had not opened my fb yet, so as I logged in to my fb account, I opened her message... Lorrrrr!!! She dedicated me the song "Be Careful With My Heart" and gave me the link to the Youtube video clip of the song...

Now, I am so scared like hell... I know I won't be able to avoid it and I don't know how it's going to come out... I'm just waiting for the time that she's going to ask me to sing the song with her and act if as I am 'Sir Chief ' and of course, she is 'Maya'... God help me!!!!


  1. Aaaaaaaa!!!! My favourite drama ever!!! I wish this drama will never end! i love it so much! hihihi^_^ Sir Chief and Maya.. <3 ,3 <3

  2. Replies
    1. Haven't found one that can make me stick in front of TV everyday... :D.. ohhh...

  3. oww...so sweet of her, you too can be sweet as her.... not that hard to pleased her rite.. if she ask you to sing for her, just do it...

    kind of understand how she feel ...hahaa

    1. yeah..sure.. sure... you don't know what happen to me when she asked me to sing Anuar Zain Sedetik Lebih last year, the high note song!!!! Waaaaaaaaa... nearly got heart attack...:O

  4. Thanks God I am not addicted to any..Otherwise would be very messy..he..he

    1. Can't imagine if you are addicted :D... have to wait a few days for new updates?.. hahahahaha

  5. What a romantic wife you have! I rarely watch Korean series today... no time bro!

    1. Only when she got infected... hahahaha... I don't watch Korean drama series or soap opera... I do watch their movies! Really quality movies they have... :D

  6. Lucky.. I do not get stuck with this drama or any :D

  7. i still remember her Richard Marx Right Here Waiting moment...she wud snuggle in her closet ( block Delima punyer lemari baju ) and peluk her bantal or teddy bear...hahaha..sweetest thing ever !

    1. hmmm... right... I remember the Richard Marx case.. whoahahaahha... It's in her blood I guess.. :D

    2. Hai Mida (TOKSU) hehehe...Tetiba jer teringat kat Richard Marx...shhhhhh jangan bagitau kat Razi ler...malu I you.Nasib baik dpt title MRS. RAZIWAFA. Glad to hear from you again...it brings back the memory...TESL group yg GILE...GILER and GILEREST .Keep in touch ya.

    3. Haah... jgn bagi tau kat Razi tau... nanti malu dia. (dua belah tangan atas bahu, mata tengok atas sambil kepala senget sikit)

  8. Tak rajin layan tv. Mlm mlm lps anak.blk ngaji layan dorang makan makan n homework. Bergaduh jap pastu masing masing layan ipad together gether.

    1. together gether layan ipad... hahahaha... :D. Kami anak-anak mengaji petang pkl 5.30pm sampai 7pm, ustaz mai rumah... (ustaz tu kawan masa dia mengaji pondok di Kelantan)... Malam lepas makan-makan buat homework sampai pkl 10.. pkl 10 tu masing2 dah menguap dah... siang tadi main kat sekolah kuat sangat dah letih ahahahaha... jantan semua... 2 org jer girl tu pon alhamdulillah dah besar pandai berdikari cara bebudak..(form 1 ngan year 5) ehehehe... :D

    2. ...Excuse me, FORM 2 and YEAR 5...

  9. tetiba teringat macammana saya dan my BIL saya ketagih layan drama siri telenovela sebeluam ade astro 8,9 years back. bagai x lengkap hari tersebut jika miss mana2 episod.
    those days that I miss

    1. Hahahaha... dua dua layan? Ok la tu... :D Saling memahami... :)

  10. saya x tengok. tapi mak saya minat...

    1. Mak minat?... wow... :D. Saya pon tak berapa minat..mungkin sebab ada perkara lain lebih penting perlu dilayan hahahahaha... :)
      Thanks Pha Is for being here :D

  11. Romanticnya the two of you...so sweet.Yes, "Becareful With My Heart" is really an awesome story...I bet she will ask you to buy the DVD form of the whole episode for the next Anniversary...when is it? Better start looking...

  12. Bunda tak pernah tengok pun drama ni....byk sgt drama nk layan...
    dulu blm ada astro tak byk sangat nak layan...
    petang2 pun last aritu layan ariana rose...yg baru ni x best x layan....
    Baik layan.senetron tv9...

    1. Sama la kita bunda... sayang kat masa yang ada.. buleh buat benda lain yg lebih berfaedah (bagi saya lah)... tp bg sesetengah orang, boleh buat dorang happy... biar jer lah hahahaahha...
      p/s: asal jangan kacau aku buat kerja dah kan? hahahahaahaha

  13. salam Jumaat
    sy lain ceta nie mmg kelakar n sweet sgt
    done follow 79

    1. Salam Jumaat to u too :D
      hahahaha.. i don't know wat to say :)
