Apr 2, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 22

Made by Tasnim :)

When I was updating a few photos and organizing the folders, suddenly I found some images that are not familiar... So I click in the folder and found noticed that they were created by Tasnim...

... and she is actually using the 'Paint' Window application...

Honestly, I am quite amazed, because she was actually writing the 'Khat' using the 'mouse'... hahahaah... to me, it should really take a great effort...

Tasnim is actually 11 years old this year...

Well, Tasnim... Abah is so proud of you... and I know you will grow up to be a good person. I love you...


  1. Wow thats amazing!! And she looks like u too!! ^_^ Thats a pure talent. Should let her explore it more ;)

    1. hahaha i guess so Vee :D... but she said she wanna be a dentist... hahaha

  2. Replies
    1. tu la.. abah dia pon terkejut tengok... abah dia kalau guna mouse buat cam tu ... terhegeh hegeh dibuatnya... hahahaha

  3. wah! pandai tasnim kreatif gitew orang nye...cepat belajar sesuatu...
    Tahniah sayang Happy Birthday to you...

    1. tak tahu bila masa dia dok main dengan 'Paint' tu... sebab saya memang tak guna program tu... guna photoshop pun saya tak confident boleh jadi macam tu bila guna mouse hahahaha... tu yang kata tak boleh bayang camana dia buat pakai mouse tu... mesti kena teliti betul.. :D

  4. Amazing. I myself wont know how to do it...Great job girl...

  5. Wow.. great talent! selalu jugak Nurul guna app tu, quite susah nak buat tulisan khat apa lagi cantik macam ni.. memang superb!

    1. and she did it using a mouse... yg tu yang i am amazed of... :D. patut dia suruh ajat guna PS sebelum ni...but I told her, PS ni susah.. so tak la ajar dia hahaha... rupanya dia ada minat... :D

    2. Tasnim mampu mengimbangkan pergerakan Mouse dengan sangat excellent! memang kagum...
      *Haaa.. kann.. "jangan abah pandang sebelah mata".. kate dia, Acik Nurul tolong sampaikan je.. hehehe

  6. Aminn...she's so talented! semoga membesar menjadi muslimah yg terbaik!

    1. Amin.. ya rabb... yg tu lah yang sangat diharap... sama lah dengan sally.. doakan kejayaan dan diberkati oleh Allah swt.. :D

  7. Replies
    1. good job main laptop abah hahahaahaha... :D

  8. permulaan yang baik. moga berterusan :)
