Mar 4, 2014

Photography Session Around The House (cont'd)


This is Chili flower. Guess, we all love chili... but not many of us really know how the chili plants looks like huh? :D

This entry is to provide the answer to the questions I asked in 'Photography Session Around The House' previously... 

No. 1 : It's actually PISANG NANGKA
What so special about Pisang Nangka? Normally you will notice that banana turns yellow when it's ripe but not Pisang Nangka... It stays green forever :D

Pisang Nangka is a little bit smaller than Pisang Tanduk... It's quite big in size compared to other type of Pisang :D.

No. 2 : Serai Wangi
Serai Wangi is not used in cooking. The aroma produced by this type of serai is so strong and it's not suitable to be used in your cooking. We have this serai wangi at home because it's quite difficult to find. It's not usually sold at the market. My wife would add the serai wangi in her bathing water every time she delivers :D

No. 3 : It's NOT Kunyit or 'tumeric'... It's TEMU LAWAK
The plant looks almost look the same (99%). The different is, the color is lighter than the tumeric. The smell also not that strong.

I took Temu Lawak with 'budu' or 'sambal belacan', or 'sambal tempoyak'..hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
The taste is AMAZING!!!

My mom told me that it is anti-inflammatory, reduce blood cholesterol and good for the liver.

No. 4 : It's of course a picture of PANDAN plants but next to pandan is a rambutan tree :D
Look carefully at the leaves... :)

No. 5 : It's Topioca... and many would know this plants :D

No. 6 : OK! This is Chili!!!! Take note please... :D

No. 7 : OK... Yesterday, my wife confirmed that the name of the plant is 'SAMBUNG NYAWA'...
Actually, I called it Sambung Nyawa... but I wasn't really sure if it's the official name for the plants.

Now, this plant is VERY... VERY... useful! And this is not a THEORY... I have seen those who consumed the shoots/leaves... and I'm telling you, the results were MAGICS... (of course, dengan kuasa Allah SWT jua..) My advice, it's a MUST HAVE plant at home, like you must have an emergency box at home... :D

Hope this info is of a benefit to many.



  1. lol, thanks a lot for giving me the I learn something from here... Wafa I will put up the tutorial that you've been asking yesterday later...but give me some time yeah??? *_^

    1. good to know that you learn something a little bit... :)
      Thanks a lot Farah... I was just wondering if there is an easier way apart from having to check the entries one by one... :D hahahaha... or if there is a method...

  2. rajin menanam memang tak ruhi berbakti pada tanah

    1. sebenarnya saya ni pantang tengok pokok2 ulam... cerita dia saya kagum dengan ada sorang cina kat satu taman (lama dah). Dia ada tanah kecik jer kat depan rumah dia tapi dia manage to have bermacam-macam pokok herba yang boleh buat ubat... sejak tu saya mengimpikan untuk mempunyai taman herba saya sendiri... cuma masalahnya... dia tak jadi taman herba sebab tanam merata... hahahaah...

    2. Tu laaa.... Lain Kali jenguk2 la taman herbs Kat KPZ. ;d

  3. wah! ada juga yg betul Bumda jawab kan...
    cuma pokok rambutan n ulam sambung nyawa tu confius sikit....
    baru jer d
    baca info tentang 'sambung nyawa ' tapi lupa bentuk nya...sebab x biasa tengok yg sebemar...ulam bebuas pernah lah makan...
    tapi pokok cili tu Bunda betul kan...

    1. Bunda ada tanam cili jugak kut :D... btw rasa pelik pulak panggil cili selalu dok panggail cabai hahahaahhaa

  4. .....sambung review jawaban kat sini..No. 1,2,3,5 dan 6 betullll.. No. 4 tu salah tengok pokok dahh.. ingatkn yg depan tu, pokok betik kannn? Yang No. 7 tu mmg tak tau.. ape maksud Wafa dengan paragraph terakhir tu? rasa tertanya-tanya begitu mendalam dalam hati ....

    1. haah.. no.4 tu yg depan tu memang pokok betik... waa.. tengok batang pokok tu pon dah tau...:D
      Para last is actually still about poko Sambung Nyawa... Ok... actually I took the plant from my mom's house... dia bagi suruh I tanam. Dia kata kena ada pokok ni... Dia dah bagi kat ramai orang yang ada masalah kesihatan yg berat atau kata mudah dia, habis choice dah berubat... dan Alhamdulillah, orang tu semua sihat... Kat sini saya amik dua perkara (1) pokok sambung nyawa ni memang 'magic' khasiat dia - tuhan buat pokok ni macam tu lah kan... (2) mungkin juga sebab disabit dengan doa parents saya bila bagi pokok tu kat orang tu suruh makan... My mom said ramai orang nak pokok ni.. so pokok tu tumbuh segar dan merimbun dengan banyaknya... dia juga pesan suruh bagi kat sapa-sapa yang hendak... so that's why I share this info... :D

    2. Almaklum..."aku anak kampung..tiada pelajaran..kuli-kuli sahaja.." pinjam lagu Jimmy palikat" hehe...Nurul biasa membesar dengan pokok2 kat kg nun jauh disana tu.. Tertarik dengan penerangan Wafa dengan pokok sambung nyawa tu.. balik ni nak tanye mak la.. hopefully dia tau.. naya je kalau salah pokok. Anything Nurul confirm dgn Wafa... can?

    3. It's a BIG sharing jugak sebenarnya tu... hope sapa-sapa yang apply diberikan kesembuhan oleh Allah swt... apa-apa pun dari Dia jugak... Sure, if u need... :D
      May be I'll write in more detail later after talking to my mom :D

  5. owh.. banyak lagi yg saya tak tahu, walaupun saya "budak kampung", kat rumah penuh dengan tanaman yg mak tanam, tapi tak pernah nk ambik tahu.. heheh
