Mar 14, 2014

Nuffnang Ads Are Back

print screen Nuffnang

When I first started to blog, I noticed that most of the blogs I visited had these Nuffnang Ads banners. Then, I found some bloggers were talking about Nuffnang Ads and how they get some money by having the banners on their blogs. So I decided to have the banners on my blog too. Well, why not isn't it? All that I was thinking at that time is on how I would be able to use the money I get from Nuffnang to pay for the internet service that I have subscribed, which is about RM130 per month.

Upon registering to the Nuffnang's website and put all the banners available, I checked the status of my earning, almost everyday...

And yep, as you all might have known, with just a few days blogging the numbers (earnings) just remained static for almost a month or in other wordss; I earn NOTHING!

So, since it was not that effective, I decided to take it off from my blog.

However, after a few weeks... suddenly I found someone's entry stating that they earn  some money from Nuffnang. So I logged in to look at my earning status. To my surprise, I am getting some money from the Nuffnang's ads... Hehehe...

Now, I decided to put the ads back on my blog... hopefully, I will be able to  get more and finally I will be able to pay for the internet service on monthly basis just from the Nuffnang's ads income :D

p/s:  I'd like to thank you so so much for those of you who have come to this blog and clicked the banners... tqvm. Jazakallah... :D


  1. congrats u hv RM3.02.. :) click VISA for a present :)

    1. Thanks noe, eventhough it's a small amount.. but it teaches me to appreciate it... and I am beginning to be more careful and value the coins... :D

  2. Tahniah!...salam ziarah dari bunda..

    1. Thanks bunda, it's great to see you here... really love your Jangan Terus Mengeluh... ...

  3. Congratulation wafa! Good sign since you just started blogging.

    ... but for your information since beginning till now kakak's blog didn't have nuffnang as kakak only published one N3 daily, furthermore during holidays or weekend totally off.

    Maybe when kakak retired will join..

    1. Yes... it's a good sign... I guess too. But, why not just have the ads on your site, at least a big box under the post... it collects a few cents... if 25 cents a week, we may have collected RM14.00 a year... :D. Not that we want to make big money through banner ads... but just give the chance for certain people to click the banner as a token of appreciation of what you are writing... I donate when I find the post I am reading worth spending time on :D or make me feel good that day :D

  4. Wafa, good to hear that. Keep blogging!

    1.'s good... THANKS for the support Smartan... :D.

    2. You're welcome, always have my support!

  5. Good for you Wafa. Never ever give up..INTI & Line Shopping for you on Friday Morning..

    1. It's great isn't it... learn a lot from something like this... hey, i didnt have the chance to visit u yesterday...kind of missing u hahahahahaha

  6. clicked your nuff :) Tahniah dan Salam Jumaat :)

    1. MF... it;s really kind of you... jazakallah... I'll see u around :D. Great to see u here ..appreciate it :)

  7. tahniah.. ada rezeki masuk tu.. syukur..

    1. Alhamdulillah... semoga rakan-rakan yang singgah pon di murahkan rezeki oleh Allah swt...

  8. haha..why not? clicked and go :)

  9. Assalam... congratulations.. just followed your blog.. thanks & salam ukhwah..
    2x colgate.. :)

    1. Tuan KK... Thanks for being here :D Salam ukhwah tuan... :)

  10. congrats.. ada jugak rezeki... saya dulu untuk tahun pertama je, rasanya tak sampai RM2. heheh.. tabah je.. heheh

    1. tq Pha Is... tq.
      Mungkin dengan ramai dah bloggers recently, dan hasil perkongsian pengalaman anda-anda yang dah lama berblog... banyak yang dapat dimanfaatkan... semoga ilmu yang anda turunkan kepada blogger2 baru akan juga menjadi barakah kepada pekerjaan anda semua yang lama-lama :D Jazakallah..:)

  11. Semoga menambahkan lg semangat berblogging
