Feb 5, 2014

What Do I Get From Blogging!

A few weeks ago, I finally decided to create a blog. My intention was to have a record of some activities that I would have gone through in life such as going on a vacation or certain family important occasions.  I never thought of writing for someone else to read but myself.


since I didn’t really have much idea on how I should start writing in a blog, I decided to find out how other people actually write in their blogs. That was how, I discovered a whole lots of blogs created by many others especially from Malaysia. I went through one by one and spent quite a lot of time reading what were written by those people.

Honestly, it was an amazing experience. I learned a lot of things about blogging and to my suprised, it was not even close to what I thought about blogging in the first place. Blogging is not just writing or recording activities for you yourself to read only, but it’s also more like sharing things, ideas, opinions and so on with others. It’s really is something BIG!!!

So, today, I have been commited to the blogging activity for about 6 weeks already and it is really an awesome experience.

The blogging world is somewhat really strange to me as a new blogger. It’s as if a new world of communication or living a new way of life! The way of living as a blogger, in a blogging world among the blogger society is somewhat extremely interesting and to me, it’s almost like living in a dream life... but it’s real.

The best part of blogging that I find really fascinating is, I am able to meet new friends, not some but many. Making friends, learn about each others, communicate with each others, find more new friends and learn more about them is the whole thing about blogging. You finally end up with having so many friends, new friends... and more new friends..

And it’s really amazing that, new blogger friends, in the blogging world or the blogger society, are really really really interesting and wonderful friends!

Eventhough, you have just met or just make friends, however, through reading what they have written, you would feel so warm, so relaxing, so calm and it’s like you are allowed to know deep inside their hearts. Blogger friends are more open to one another.

By getting involved in blogging world, I am surrounded with POSITIVE, ENERGY GIVERS, OPTIMISTICS people whom would accept you no matter who you are, the way you express yourself in your writing...

To me, this is the kind of friendship, the kind of relationship that each and every individuals need to be in to create more happiness and interesting life.

By being in the blogging society, I am gaining more self-confidence, more self respect, higher self esteem, the support that I yearned of all these while, to face my real life, to become someone, of what I am supposed to become!

With this, I thank Allah swt, to open my heart to venture into blogging activitiy, to give me the second chance of being the person whom I had once lost. I would also like to express my gratitude, to all my blogger friends for being in my life, and I have to say, that you are all great people, a great person, the person that you are actually whom you are supposed to be... and I am giving all the love and appreciation to all of you.

Lets continue to inspire each others and in a way help each other to bring all the joys in life. Stay POSITIVE and BE HAPPY! :D

image source : santabanta.com


  1. Post yang juga encourage IM untuk terus berblog :)

  2. apa yg saya dapat dgn berblog?
    -menambah kenalan
    -menambah pengetahuan

  3. what i get frm blogging??
    Dpt mngnali ramai orang dlm alam maya. Juga dpt mngasah bkt penulisan

    1. it's great isn't it :D... wish u all the best my friend

  4. actually... it's more than what you think... congratsss... being entered to the real world of blogging. glad... you became one of us...

    1. Yeah... I guess there's more waiting in the future... tq for the best wishes mia...tq

  5. indeed true. blogging turned me into a confident person and I know this is the right place where i can share my thoughts and of course, gained new friends.

    1. Its a pleasure to have all of you around as friends... just love what everyone's writing... found courage deep within also :D

  6. Hye Wafa! Indeed, blogging has different perspective depend on the blogger himself.. And many benefits we can gain through blogging too.. Not only by sharing our great stories and unforgetable experiences, but also share the GOLDEN knowledge of ours... By doing that, eventually we can get a LOT of new friends..... Thnx for sharing your amazing experiences!

    1. Hahah.. hye Suhaimi... you are a man of your words!!! I can see that... enjoy reading your sharings too :D

  7. saya ni nak tulis dalam english takut salah grammar, tapi nasib baik saya paham apa awak tulis.. hihihi

    masa mula2 dulu, saya tercabar sebab kawan2 saya semua ada blog. diorang kongsi macam2 sampai lah satu hari kawan saya tanya
    "eh apa nama link blog kau? ke kau takde blog?"
    saya taknak kalah.. saya kata "eh ada.. belogkayangan" masa tu dekat tempat belajar saya ada satu tempat kuliah nama blok kayangan. pastu diorang semua ingat saya main2. dan aceli saya pun memang memain tetapi tetiba terdetik nak buat blog. so saya pun pakai lah nama ni. sampai sekarang. dan tak sangka saya dapat ramai giler kawan. banyak benda boleh kongsi.
    harap saya dapat berkongsi dengan semua kawan2 saya.

    moga jangan diam dalam dunia blog. terus maju ke depan :D

    1. SNR, tahnk you so so much for being here and for a wonderful comment.. :D

      so, it's started from an unintentional challenge until having a great blog... that's really interesting. Now, that's really encouraging!!!...

      Yeah, so far, I am not that sure of how this blog will turn out to be like, still looking for a particular identity... I just hope that one day, this blog can be a reference to many and would inspire others like most of the blogs I have been to... :D

      InshaAllah, god willing... it'll last forever... :)

      Again, tq for being here...

  8. Bahagia...hehehehehe.. like a family <3

    1. a big family... right... I like that Mr Abak... :D

  9. blogging.. i love blogging! i'm able to have more friends.. i can share my thoughts, my arts, my doodles etc.... but the most important thing..... it is about my life and SLE.. ^_^

    btw, i'm glad you became part of us :)

    1. Dear Deno... thank you so much for a warm welcome... In a way, I am happy when I see people are happy around me. Blogging is a way for me to be with happy people.. and I am happy for you :D

  10. Same here....this is a new year resolution me and a few friends wanted to commit to share things that inspires others...but most content are generated based on our day to day life topics....i am definitely loving the experience!!
