Jan 15, 2014

A Dream That Never Comes True, Yet...

If You Can Dream, You Can Do It
Walt Disney Dream Quote
When talking about DREAMS, there is a famous quote which is very familiar to many, which is “If You Can Dream It, You Can Do it” by Walt Disney. I used to have a dream, a big dream, ten years ago. However, the dream has not come to reality yet. In fact, it seems like it will take forever to have the dream comes true. Guess what my dream used to be?

Yeah! I used to dream of becoming a millionaire or at least have a stable 5 or 6 figured income. In fact, I was thinking of achieving my dream before I turn 40, which is a few years back. Now I am a few years past 40 eheh…

The idea of becoming a millionaire sparked when I met a couple who introduced me to the Shaklee business. I still remember the wife asking me ‘How would you like to have a lot of CASH, to own a brand new luxury CAR, and travel to many places you wouldn’t imagine of going there, with the Shaklee CONVENTIONS?’ while showing me the 3Cs image in her presentation kit.

‘We are in this business for only 1 year and we have already had our CAR,’ she continued. Yes, they came in a brand new Mercedez Benz and I recognized it from the plate number of the car.

‘And these are the places that we’ve been’ she added while showing a dozen of photos of them with 80 or 100 other qualified Shaklee members. While looking at the photos, I could see my wife and me, were in the photos as well, soon. The idea of traveling to other countries, was really tempting as well as the Mercedez Benz. Huhuhu…

‘Razi (I am also known as Razi), when you are with Shaklee, you can dream of anything, we’ll help you become successful like ourselves, and you will get whatever you dream of. It is easy and I will make sure you will also become a MASTER COORDINATOR like us, in less than a year!” she said looking deep into my eyes.

‘Oh my god, it is the opportunity that I wouldn’t want to miss’ I screamed of joy in my heart. I knew, at that time, she also knew that, she had ‘closed’ the sale. I smiled at her and said, “OK! What should I do now!”.

Sigh… it surely was a hell of a great feeling that day. When I look around, the house that I’m staying in, the kind of life that we are going through, I would remember the day and the conversation that we had, on the day I signed up the membership form.

At the same time, I remember everything that I had gone through for about 3 years with Shaklee. My last rank achieved was SENIOR COORDINATOR and the last payment I received was almost RM10K, can’t remember the exact figures. Then, I quit the business for the MOST STUPID REASONS ever made by humankind.

Wafacw with Roger Barnett - Chairman and CEO of Shaklee Corporation
with Roger Barnett - Chairman and CEO of Shaklee Corporation at Sunway Pyramid

I surely miss the moments in Shaklee especially the most respectful Master K. Sow, who is now the PRESIDENTIAL MASTERS Dr. K. Sow.

However, I do believe that IF I CAN DREAM IT, I CAN DO IT… Recently, I feel so GREAT and I have come out with a few dreams, new dreams that I will achieve soon, and this time I won’t let any stupid things to stop me from making my dreams  come true!

wafacw with Master Coordinator Tengku (Shaklee Malaysia)
with Master Tengku (Shaklee)
With my Shaklee Supervisors and Coordinators at Sunway Pyramid
My Shaklee Supervisors and Coordinators